War, Peace and Terror in the Middle East

900-GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY  [ Browse Items ]
Publication Year
Frank CASS & CO. LTD., United States 
Arab-Israeli conflict -- 1993- -- Peace; Terrorism -- Middle East; 
War,peace and Terror in the middle East is a collection of articles on the fateful issues of war and peace in the middle East , and especially that evasive brand of war-that usually escapes definition, but nonetheless has contributed greatly to the rising of the war level in that volatile area of the world
This volume focuses on the theme of how acts of terrorism have eroded the hopes inherent in the peace process that was initiated by Sadat and Begin in 1977, and drive it to an impasse. All efforts to duplicate that feat have ended in frustration thus far, and the current crisis occasioned by recent acts of terrorism and AL-Qai da may lead to a new strategic thinking and reshuffling allegiances and alliances, and produce a new world order  
A collection of articles about the fateful issues of war and peace in the Middle East, especially the evasive brands of war - terrorism and incitement.Horrific words of incitement, followed by atrocious acts of terror, have occurred during the past few years. These have significantly eroded hope in the peace process that had been initiated by Sadat and Begin a quarter-century ago (1977).All efforts to duplicate that feat between Israel and Palestinians have ended in frustration so far, and it now seems that a tremendous amount of ground-work will have to be done before a new peace venture.This volume focuses on these themes and brings to bear both the benefit of the hindsight gained since the articles were published, and the insight that the current world crisis, occasioned by the terrorism and broadsides against Western culture that al-Qai'da and its allies have launched. - from Amzon 
Biblio Notes

Part 1: Commitments, Ideologies and Incitement …………………...........................P. 1

1. Arafat’s Peace………………………………………………............................................P. 3
2. Educating Palestinian Children ……………………………...................................P. 29
3. Peace, Peace And No Peace …………………………………..................................P. 47
4. Arab And Islamic Anti- Semitism …………………………..................................P. 61

Part 2: War and Terror in Action …………………………………….................................P. 81

5. The Problem is Not Saddam But Iraq ……………………………….......................P. 83
6. Islamikaze and their Significance …………………………….............................P. 102
7. Masquerade of Terrorism ………………………………………...............................P. 131
8. Exporting Islamic Violence to the Western Democracies…….................…P. 159
9. A manual of Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorism……………….......................P. 147

Part 3: Peace and Its Demise ……………………………..........................................P. 197

10. The Oslo Delusion ……………………………………...........................................p. 199
11. Oslo is dead, Long Live Brussels! ………………………................................p. 234
12. The Israel Jordan Peace agreement: A Missed Opportunity….................p.251
13. Armistice in Jerusalem Once Again? …………………….............................…p. 271
14. Conclusion: Quantity and Quality in Conflict resolution….......................p. 290

Bibliography …………………………………………......................................................p. 301
Index ……………………………………………………......................................................p. 304

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