Arms Control: New Approaches to Theory and Policy

Nancy ( W. Gallagher )
327-International Relations  [ Browse Items ]
Publication Year
FRANK CASS, United States 
Arms control: 
A decade has passed since the superpower began a series of Arms control initiative which now symbolize the beginning of th end of the cold war ,but the passage of time has not resolved dispute about the role of arms control in preserving peace .Both international relation theorist and foreign policy practitioners must decide which security strategic is most appropriate for a past-cold war world characterized by the decline in superpower hostility and the rise of regional rivalries: the rapid diffusion of knowledge – intensive technologies : and the increasingly complex relationship with political, military, and economic issues.
How should Arms control theory and policy be altered to improve the prospects for cooperation? The essays in this volume address this question by exploring the complexity of national arms control decision making and multilateral negotiation, and the challenges of reaching domestic and international agreement on verification. Conscious that the gulf between theory and policy is growing at a time when the need for policy- friendly theory is greater than ever the authors offer a range of jargon – free views from the academic and policy – making worlds. Some argue that growing interdependence creates both the need and the opportunity for a radical reorientation of arms control effort, while others contend that increasing complexity in arms control problems still constrains what can be negotiated and ratified.
Contents: Bridging the Gaps on Arms Control Nancy W. Gallagher. Arms Control in the Information Age Emily O. Goldman. A New Role for Transparency Ann M. Florini. Beyond Deterrence, Defence, and Arms Control Gloria Duffy. Nuclear Arms Control through Multilateral Negotiations Rebecca Johnson. The Impact of Govermental Context on Negotiation and Implementation: Constraints and Opportunities for Change Amy Sands. The Politics of Verification: Why How Much?' is Not Enough Nancy W. Gallagher. - from Amzon 
Biblio Notes
1. Bridging the Gaps on Arms Control……………………………………………….….P 1
Nancy W. Gallagher
2. Arms Control in the Information Age………………………………………………..P 25
Emily O. Goldman
3. A new Role to Transparency…………………………………………………………....P 51
Ann M. Florini
4. Beyond Defence, Deterrence, and Arms Control Negotiations.……...P 73
Gloria Duffy
5. Nuclear Arms Control through multilateral………………………………….…..P 83
Rebecca Johnson
6. The Impact of Governmental Context on Negotiation and implementation: Constraints and Opportunities for Change ………………………………….…… P 116
Amy Sands..
7. The Politics of verification: Why ‘How Much?’ is not enough………..P 138
Nancy W. Gallagher
8. Notes on Contribution………………………………………………………………...….P 171

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