BCSIA Studies in International Security Avoiding Nuclear Anarchy: Containing the Threat of Loose Russian Nuclear Weapons and Fissile Material

327.17-International Relation  [ Browse Items ]
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Nuclear terrorism -- Prevention; Nuclear industry -- Security measures -- Former Soviet republics; Nuclear nonproliferation -- Government policy -- United States; Nuclear weapons Policies Of Government; 
‘Loose nukes’ and nuclear materials have never been more plentiful or more accessible to rogue states and terrorism. In this important new study. Graham Allison and his colleagues at Harvard analyze the consequences of such nuclear leakage and proliferation for U.S national security. This study served as the basis for recent senate Foreign Relations committee hearings on the burgeoning threat American’s leaders would do well to mark the authors warning and heed their advice – Richard G. Lugar, United states senator
Avoiding Nuclear Anarchy grapples with one of the most immediate and most pressing threats to U.S. security interests today: the risk of rampant nuclear proliferation fueled by 'nuclear leakage' from the former Soviet Union. There has never been a more important time for this analysis by some of our nation's leading national security specialists. This book deserves to be widely read and carefully considered." Senator Sam Nunn, Democrat, Georgia

As the most open society on a shrinking planet, the United States has no reliable defense against smuggled weapons fashioned from black-market materials by a determined state or terrorist group. Avoiding Nuclear Anarchy highlights the fact that the only way to combat the threat is by preventing nuclear leakage in the first place. Its message is both timely and urgent: it outlines the new nuclear danger and details how to reshape U.S. national security policy to deal with these dangers.
What if the bomb that exploded in Oklahoma City or New York's World Trade Center had used 100 pounds of highly enriched uranium? The destruction would have been far more vast. This danger is not so remote: the recipe for making such a bomb is simple, and soon the ingredients might be easily attained. Thousands of nuclear weapons and hundreds of tons of weapons-grade uranium and plutonium from the weapons complex of the former Soviet Union, poorly guarded and poorly accounted for, could soon leak on to a vast emerging nuclear black market.This study by Graham Allison and three colleagues at Harvard's Center for Science and International Affairs warns that containing the leakage of nuclear materials--and keeping them out of the hands of groups hostile to the United States--is our nation's highest security priority.As the most open society on a shrinking planet, the United States has no reliable defense against smuggled weapons fashioned from black-market materials by a determined state or terrorist group. Avoiding Nuclear Anarchy highlights the fact that the only way to combat the threat is by preventing nuclear leakage in the first place. Its message is both timely and urgent: it outlines the new nuclear danger and details how to reshape U.S. national security policy to deal with these dangers. - from Amzon 
Biblio Notes
Introduction………………………………………………………………………………........P 1
Chapter 1. Risk of Nuclear Leakage…………………………………………….....P 20
Chapter 2. Stakes: How Nuclear Leakage Threatens U.S Interest…p 49
Chapter 3. Response: inadequacies of American Policy………………...P 74
Chapter 4. The Challenge: A Response Commensurate with
The stakes……………………………………………………………………………………..P 146
Appendix A. The Russian Archipelago (by Owen R. Cote, Jr).….P 177
Appendix B. A Primer on Fissile Material and Nuclear Weapon Design
(by Owen R. Cote,Jr)…………………………………………………………………….P 203
Appendix C. The HEU Deal (by Richard A. Falkenrath)…………....p 229
MAP: The Russian Nuclear Archipelago………………………………….P 294
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